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  杰华特微电子成立于2013年,是一家快速成长的高性能数模混合半导体供应商。自成立以 来,公司始终致力于提供高集成度、高性能与高可靠性的电源管理等芯片产品,为客户提供一 站式采购服务。目前,公司拥有广泛的产品组合,涵盖DCDC、ACDC、LED驱动、电池管理等 产品线,应用范围涉及计算机、工业控制、网络通讯、服务器与数据中心、汽车电子、照明、 消费类电子、家用电器等众多领域。

Founded in 2013, Joulwatt is a fast growing supplier of high performance analog, and mix-signal chips. Since its establishment, the company has always been committed to providing high efficiency, high performance and high reliability power management and other chips, offering customers with one stop purchasing service. The company currently provides a broad product portfolio, including DC/DC, AC/DC, LED driver, battery management and other product lines. The related applications cover computers, industrial control, network communications, servers and data centers, automotive electronics, lighting, consumer electronics, household appliances, and many other fields.


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