The TPW4052 is dual SP4T analog switch suitable for use in analog or digital multiplexer/demultiplexer applications.The switch features three digital select inputs(S0,S1),eight independent inputs/outputs(An,Bn),two common input/output(A,B)and a digital enable input(/E).When/E is HIGH,the switches are turned off.The device is designed on an enhanced process that provides lower power dissipation yet gives high switching speeds.
These devices can operate equally well as either multiplexers or demultiplexers and have an input range that extends to the supplies.All channels exhibit break-before-make switching action,preventing momentary shorting when switching channels.
-Analog Switch Voltage:3.3V,5V,10V,±5V
-Low ON-State Resistance:typical 50Ωat Vs=±4.5V or 9V typical 60Ωat Vs=4.5V typical 300Ωat Vs=3V
-Bandwidth:200 MHz
-Fast switching times:tON=60ns,tOFF=50ns
-Break-Before-Make Switching
-Operation Temperature Range:–40°C to 125°C
-Industry control systems
-Battery-powered systems
-Audio Signal Routing
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