The SGM803/SGM809/SGM810 supervisory circuits monitor the power supply voltage in microprocessor and digital systems.They provide a reset output during power-up,power-down and brownout conditions.On power-up,an internal timer holds reset asserted for 240ms.This holds the microprocessor in a reset state until conditions have stabilized.The RESET output remains operational with VCC as low as 1V.The SGM803 and SGM809 provide an active low reset signal(RESET)while the SGM810 provides an active high signal(RESET)output.The SGM809/SGM810 have push-pull outputs,whereas the SGM803 has an open-drain output,which requires an external pull-up resistor.
Eight reset threshold voltage options are available,suitable for monitoring 1.8V,2.5V,3V,3.3V and 5V supply voltages.
The reset comparator features built-in glitch immunity,making it immune to fast transients on VCC.
The low supply current of typically 13μA makes the SGM803/SGM809/SGM810 ideal for use in portable,battery operated equipment.All are specified over the extended-40℃to+125℃temperature range.
•Precision Voltage Monitor:1.8V,2.5V,3V,3.3V,5V Options
•Superior Upgrade for MAX809 and ADM809
•Fully Specified over Temperature
•Low Power Consumption:13μA(TYP)
•Reset Assertion Down to 1V VCC
•150ms Power-On Reset(MIN)Push-Pull RESET Output
•-40℃to+125℃Operating Temperature Range
•Available in SOT-23-3 and SOT-23
•Microprocessor Systems
•Intelligent Instruments
•Automotive Systems
•Safety Systems
•Portable Instruments
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