The TLE4253GS is a monolithic integrated low-dropout voltage tracking regulator in small PG-DSO-8 packages.The exposed pad(EP)package variant PG-DSO-8 exposed pad offers extremely low thermal resistance.The IC is designed to supply off-board systems,e.g.sensors in engine management systems under the severe conditions of automotive applications.Therefore,the IC is equipped with additional protection functions against reverse polarity and short circuit to GND and battery.With supply voltages up to 40 V,the output voltage follows a reference voltage applied at the adjust input with high accuracy.The reference voltage applied directly to the adjust input or by an e.g.external resistor divider can be 2.0 V minimum.The output is able to drive loads up to 250 mA.The TLE4253 tracker can be set into shutdown mode in order to reduce the quiescent current to an extremely low value.This makes the IC suitable to low-power battery applications.
•Tight output tracking tolerance to reference
•Output voltage adjust down to 2.0 V
•Stable with ceramic output capacitor
•Flexibility of output voltage adjust higher or lower than reference,proportional to the reference voltage
•250 mA output current capability
•Low dropout voltage
•Combined tracking/enable input
•Very low current consumption in OFF mode
•PG-DSO-8 packages with lowest thermal resistance
•Wide input voltage range-42 V≤V I≤45 V
•Wide temperature range:-40°C≤T j≤150°C
•Output protected against short circuit to GND and battery
•Overtemperature protection
•Reverse polarity proof
•Suitable for use in automotive electronics
•Green Product(RoHS compliant)
•AEC Qualified
•Efficient and accurate voltage replication
•Heat distribution in the system
•Robust tracking supply
•Sensor Supply
•Heat distribution
•Secondaryµcontroller supply
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