思瑞浦微电子科技(苏州)股份有限公司(英文:3PEAK INCORPORATED,股票代码:688536)成立于 2012 年,2020 年 9 月 21 日在上海科创板上市。公司始终坚持研发高性能、高质量和高可靠性的集成电路产品,包括信号链模拟芯片、电源管理模拟芯和数模混合模拟前端,并逐渐融合嵌入式处理器,为客户提供全方面的解决方案。其应用范围涵盖信息通讯、工业控制、监控安全、医疗健康、仪器仪表、新能源和汽车等众多领域。
Established in 2012, 3PEAK was listed on the Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Board on September 21, 2020. The company is committed to the research and development of high-performance, high-quality, and highly reliable integrated circuit products, including signal chains, power analog chips, mixed-signal front-ends, and embedded processors to provide customers with all-around solutions. The applications of the products cover many fields such as communication, industrial, security monitoring, medical and health, instrumentation, new energy, and automotive industry.
TJA1043ATK NXP车规CAN FD,支持STANDBY/SLEEP模式,支持本地和远程唤醒,INH输出控制外部电源的开启/关闭, 国产替代型号TPT1043Q-DFKR-S.
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